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How To Sell Trucks Using Digital Marketing During The Pandemic

With the current global threat of COVID-19, many truck companies have had to face a common issue originating from the pandemic – where will the sales come from now?

Every truck company owner knows that sales are the lifeblood of a business. During the much simpler times of traditional marketing, such as paper advertising, flyer hand-outs or trade magazines, making a sale was easy and straightforward. However, with the current pandemic issues and restrictions, these traditional advertisements have made it a lot harder to produce results.

Despite these changes in advertising methods worldwide, the problems that arose due to the pandemic can be turned in your favour, using digital marketing. The network built on digital technology is huge in today’s society. Most people don’t fully understand how big and connected people are right now because of it. It really is easy to connect with countless possible clients online. So, if your businesses relies on sales leads, such as truck companies, you can benefit from significant advantages during these economically troubled times.

Embracing the era of digital marketing

Before you can start your venture of online selling and marketing, it is important to know about the advent and effectiveness of digital marketing. Just because you are used to the old marketing ways doesn’t mean that you can automatically transition to digital marketing, using the same approach. If you are not equipped, trying to penetrate the digital economy can be filled with problems and mistakes waiting to happen. But, with knowledge of the basics and the benefits of this new aspect of marketing, your venture can be a success.

Why make the move to online marketing?

The pandemic’s arrival shaped the marketing world because traditional means of generating sales through hardcopy, in-person advertisements or trade magazines, are partially inefficient. Due to the lack of face-to-face customer traffic, sales exposure isn’t as straightforward as before. With the sudden shift of transactions taking place online, it is important that every business should hop on this new trend of online marketing. Unlike traditional marketing, going online achieves a broader range of clients since you can practically do everything that you did before on paper, but much more efficiently and effectively.

It is worth noting that in this day and age, everyone is connected to the internet. Billions of people check their online accounts each day. With the proper use of technology, it will be easier to create content quickly, considering that posting is as easy as a click away. The benefits gained from creating digital content aren’t only time-efficient, it also dramatically cuts costs. This is because ad expenses would only cover paid advertisements. So why spend thousands on printed ads and posters when you can cut the costs in half and reach a wider audience online?

How will an online presence boost truck sales?

The benefits of taking marketing online comes with its perks. However, there’s a formula for making the most out of your online venture. First, you have to understand that merely establishing your truck company online isn’t enough to rack up the sales.

Think of the online market as one big billboard where every business is trying to get noticed. Now, in order for your future clients to see you on that billboard, you have to fill it up with content. That is why a strong online presence can significantly generate more truck sales. Establishing and consistently posting content about your trucks online will gradually get your clients hooked on your business. Always remember the salesman rule: you can’t generate sales if no one knows you’re there.

Using Digital Marketing to Sell Your Trucks

Now that you have a bit of an idea of the basics of the new market and its importance, you can begin to process and dwell more on the digital strategies that can make your sales happen. One thing to know is that there are a lot of online marketing techniques out there. But it also depends on which ones to apply since it can depend on the kind of business you have, which in this case, is selling trucks.

Which techniques or strategies are useful for marketing trucks?

With the rate at how this pandemic is going, the marketing world might be the only way to sell what you offer. Because of this, you’ll have to adapt to the various methods of utilizing your new online tools with proficiency or face getting left behind. Although it seems risky venturing out into a new form of marketing, the flexibility of online marketing strategies has got your truck company covered.

Before anything else, you’ll have to properly brand yourself because this allows you to provide a more trustworthy image that will start reeling in potential clients. Establishing a brand image is done easier when you’re more noticeable online. That is where SEO comes into play. Through the proper use of Search Engine Optimization, it practically pinpoints your company online through search engines. With SEO, generating leads, and building a reputation will be easier, since you’re creating more business traffic online. Aside from traffic, this method promotes your credibility too.

Also, once you’ve established where your target market is now “hanging out”, you’ll be able to use pay per click marketing.  Pay per click, or PPC marketing as it’s called for short is when you target your customers and only pay when a potential lead clicks on your ad. A quick google search will show you the potential of these ads. With over 22,000 searches for truck sales last month online, targeting your market towards these sales is probably the brightest idea you’ll have this year.

On top of SEO & PPC, consider investing in other ways of generating traffic to your business, preferably ones that can go well in combination, such as content marketing. This marketing technique allows you to build trust with your audience, connect with your customers, and generate further leads. Continually pushing out content, such as articles, is important since it answers your client’s questions or queries. And this is especially the case if your online presence is new.

Lastly, the one that utilizes the biggest strategy at your disposal is social media marketing. Compared to other techniques used, social media marketing is more of a long-term investment because it takes time to build up an audience. However, there is significant potential in this strategy because once you get the ball rolling, brand visibility and reputation will be well rewarded. Plus, many customers spend about four hours on social media each day, so this strategy will also provide a good venue for contact between your company and your client. Additionally, the use of social media is absolutely free.


Something as life-changing as a global pandemic can shake any well-established business. But keeping a steady mind and adapting to current changes is part of running a successful business. So arm yourselves with digital knowledge, and be smart in utilizing new technology. Success in the digital market is possible thanks to the large pool of potential customers that are easily accessible. Sometimes, all it takes is to look in the right places and know the right tools.

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